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試験合格を向けてHealth-Cloud-Accredited-Professional今すぐ弊社のSalesforce Health Cloud試験パッケージを使おう

Salesforce Health Cloud認定プロフェッショナル試験は、Salesforce Health Cloudを使用するために必要な知識とスキルをテストする包括的で厳密な試験です。試験は60の複数選択の質問で構成されており、90分以内に完了する必要があります。この試験では、患者管理、臨床データ分析、ケアの調整、患者の関与など、さまざまなトピックについて説明します。試験に合格するには、候補者は少なくとも68%を獲得する必要があります。

Salesforce Health Cloud資格認定試験(Health Cloud)は、Salesforce Health Cloudプラットフォームを使用して医療データや患者情報を管理する専門家やITエキスパートが、その専門知識を証明する必要不可欠な認定プログラムです。この認定は、個人の就職の見通しや収入の可能性を向上させるだけでなく、患者のアウトカムを改善し、医療の運営を効率化することに貢献することも可能にします。


質問58、 Which format is acceptable for intelligent document automation upload?


質問59、 A customer wants to view medication data from Health Cloud leveraging FHIR standards. Which Health Cloud data model should a consultant use?


質問60、 A Health Cloud administrator is working on a call center implementation and has to ensure that the phone numbers passing through the CTI settings display the matching contact record via Screen Pop. Which custom metadata type within Health Cloud should the administrator update to achieve this requirement?


質問61、 Which entity in the new data model of Health Cloud can be used to store mappings between different coding systems such ICD and HCC codes?


質問62、 Which entity in Health cloud is used to store the details of a vaccine being administrated?


質問63、 Which industry data standard should a with Health Cloud?


質問64、 Which Feature would an administrator setup to help their sales team view all provider related to a specific facility?


質問65、 Which permission set is needed to grant users read access to health insurance records and also create, read and update access to Utilization Management records?


質問66、 Which statement is true about using PurchaserPlan and MemberPlan together when onboarding new insurance members?


質問67、 A customer is looking to implement Discovery Framework to manage their intake and clinical assessments.
Which three capabilities should a consultant configure with Health Cloud out-of-the-box to enhance their assessment functionality?
FHIR Question Bank


質問68、 A developer needs to modify the out-of-the-box Advanced Patient Card to display the Category, SubjectID, and Date for active Clinical Alerts.
Which three steps should the developer take to accomplish this?


質問69、 Bloomington Caregivers wants to use patient or member lists for its care coordinators in its current implementation. What is an important consideration when implementing this in Health Cloud?


質問70、 How can Code Sets be managed in Health Cloud?


質問71、 Which Salesforce Product allows encryption of Protected Health Information (PHI) data at rest to enhance Health Cloud?


質問72、 A pharma company runs personalized medicine programs and needs the ability to coordinate various steps involved in the process, like apheresis and infusion.
Which Health Cloud capability should help the company with this program?


質問73、 Bloomington Caregivers is looking to view potential drug-to-drug interactions for its patients’ medications and make recommendations based on that data within Health Cloud.
Which Health Cloud add-on should a consultant recommend to fulfill this requirement?


質問74、 How should Members and Patients be represented during the basic set-up of Health Cloud console for Care Coordinators and Managers as per the Salesforce recommendation?


Salesforce Health-Croud-Accredited-Professionの認定は、Health Cloudプラットフォームで知識とスキルを向上させたい医療専門家にとって重要な認定です。この認定は、専門家がプラットフォームでの専門知識を潜在的な雇用主やクライアントに実証するのに役立ち、ヘルスケア業界でのキャリアの見通しを強化するのにも役立ちます。認定試験では、患者データを構成および管理し、ケア計画を管理し、ヘルスケアのコンプライアンスと規制要件を理解する機能など、ヘルスクラウドプラットフォームのさまざまな機能に関する個人の知識をテストします。


2023年最新の問題をマスターSalesforce Health Cloud合格目指してHealth-Cloud-Accredited-Professionalリアル試験!:https://www.goshiken.com/Salesforce/Health-Cloud-Accredited-Professional-mondaishu.html