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CKA試験問題集を使って一日でKubernetes Administrator試験合格目指す(最新の68解答)


新問題 10
Create a file:
/opt/KUCC00302/kucc00302.txt that lists all pods that implement service in namespace development.
The format of the file should be one pod name per line.

新問題 11
Create a pod with image nginx called nginx and allow traffic on port 80

新問題 12
Get list of all pods in all namespaces and write it to file “/opt/pods-list.yaml”

新問題 13
Create an nginx pod with containerPort 80 and with a PersistentVolumeClaim “task-pv-claim” and has a mouth path “/usr/share/nginx/html”


新問題 14
Score: 7%

Create a new NetworkPolicy named allow-port-from-namespace in the existing namespace echo. Ensure that the new NetworkPolicy allows Pods in namespace my-app to connect to port 9000 of Pods in namespace echo.
Further ensure that the new NetworkPolicy:
* does not allow access to Pods, which don’t listen on port 9000
* does not allow access from Pods, which are not in namespace my-app

新問題 15
Create a pod named kucc8 with a single app container for each of the
following images running inside (there may be between 1 and 4 images specified):
nginx + redis + memcached.

新問題 16
Get list of all the pods showing name and namespace with a jsonpath expression.

新問題 17
Create a file called “config.txt” with two values key1=value1
and key2=value2. Then create a configmap named “keyvalcfgmap” andread data from the file “config.txt” and verify that configmap is created correctly


新問題 18
Deploy a pod with image=redis on a node with label disktype=ssd


新問題 19
A Kubernetes worker node, named wk8s-node-0 is in state NotReady. Investigate why this is the case, and perform any appropriate steps to bring the node to a state, ensuring that any changes are made permanent.
You can ssh to the failed node using:
[student@node-1] $ | ssh Wk8s-node-0
You can assume elevated privileges on the node with the following command:
[student@w8ks-node-0] $ | sudo -i

新問題 20
Create a deployment named “myapp” that having 2 replicas with
nginx image and expose deployment as service named “myservice”


新問題 21
create a pod in a specific node (node1) by placing the pod definition file in a particular folder “/etc/kubernetes/manifests”.


新問題 22
Modify “hello-job” and make it run 10 times one after one and 5 times parallelism: 5


新問題 23
Scale the deploymentwebserverto6pods.

新問題 24
How can an administrator configure the NGFW to automatically quarantine a device using Global Protect?


新問題 25

An existing Pod needs to be integrated into the Kubernetes built-in logging architecture (e. g. kubectl logs). Adding a streaming sidecar container is a good and common way to accomplish this requirement.
Add a sidecar container named sidecar, using the busybox Image, to the existing Pod big-corp-app. The new sidecar container has to run the following command:
/bin/sh -c tail -n+1 -f /va r/log/big-corp-app.log
Use a Volume, mounted at /var/log, to make the log file big-corp-app.log available to the sidecar container.

新問題 26
Update the deployment with the image version 1.16.1 and verify the image and check the rollout history

新問題 27
From the pod label name=cpu-utilizer, find pods running high CPU workloads and write the name of the pod consuming most CPU to the file /opt/KUTR00102/KUTR00102.txt (which already exists).

新問題 28
Create a pod as follows:
Name: mongo
Using Image: mongo
In a new Kubernetes namespace named: my-website

新問題 29
Create a file:
/opt/KUCC00302/kucc00302.txt that lists all pods that implement service baz in namespace development.
The format of the file should be one pod name per line.

新問題 30
List all persistent volumes sorted bycapacity, saving the fullkubectloutput to
/opt/KUCC00102/volume_list. Usekubectl ‘s own functionality forsorting the output, and do not manipulate it any further.

CKAプログラムは、業界のKubernetes管理者に対する需要の高まりにより、ますます人気が高まっています。組織は、Kubernetesクラスターを効果的に管理および管理できる個人を探しており、アプリケーションが効率的に展開および維持されるようにしています。 CKAプログラムは、これらの要求を満たすために必要なスキルと知識を個人に提供します。

