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MBLEx認定で究極のガイド [2023年更新]


新問題 95
Which of the following surrounds the individual fibers within a nerve?
Available Choices (select all choices that are correct)


新問題 96
A 56 year old client enters the office for their appointment and complains of deep pain in their thigh. The client states that the pain feels like it is on the bone. The client also states that they have a mild fever and feel nauseous. The client is a diabetic. A closer inspection of the affected leg shows signs of redness and swelling and that the client is feverish. Which of the following conditions is most likely present?


新問題 97
What do the levator scapulae, trapezius (upper fibers), biceps brachii, subscapularis and soleus all have in common?


新問題 98
What is the name of the joint where the clavicle and scapula meet?


新問題 99
What do boundaries clarify?


新問題 100
Which of the following choices best describes the function of A, in the acronym S.O.A.P.?


新問題 101
Which of the following choices best describes the function of O, in the acronym S.O.A.P.?


新問題 102
Which of the following cells are important to blood clotting?


新問題 103
Which of the following hormones regulates the development of reproductive processes within the body?


新問題 104
During a range of motion assessment, the client contracts their muscles to prevent movement due to pain and discomfort. This is referred to as a/n ____________.


新問題 105
Which of the following anatomical directional references is not matched correctly?


新問題 106
An epiphyseal line on a bone indicates what?


新問題 107
The ulna rotates around the radius.


新問題 108
At the beginning, the needs of a particular client were very simple. Initially, the client requested general relaxation massage with occasional focus on deeper layers of muscle. However, just over six months ago, the client was diagnosed with diabetes. Since then the client’s condition has progressed beyond the comfort and skill level of the massage therapist, though the therapist continues to offer treatment. What has occurred?


新問題 109
A client presents with tendinitis pain that is experienced after an activity but not before or during the activity. What injury classification grade does the client exhibit?


新問題 110
Which of the following valves is between the stomach and the small intestine?


新問題 111
What best describes pain that has no known physical cause?


新問題 112
Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen and _____________ make up the four majority elements in the human body.


新問題 113
What does the term olfaction relate to?


新問題 114
A 27 year old male client enters a massage therapy office for a treatment holding his right hand along the pinky and ring finger. He complains of numbness and weakness in the two affected digits. He states the condition has been progressing over the last few weeks. He works in IT for a database company and works normal hours and is not very stressed at work. He is a daily commuter cyclist and also enjoys playing disc golf. What nerve is being affected that gives sensation to the client’s pinky and ring finger?


新問題 115
With regard to range of motion testing, a hard end feel is typically a ____________ experience for a client.


新問題 116
Which of the following is the local laws that control the physical location of an office?


新問題 117
A therapist may legally engage in sexual relations with a client if they:

