
エンジニアがスポークルータにDMVPNを設定しました。 DMVPNネットワーク内の別のスポークルーターのWANIPアドレスは何ですか?
From the output we can see there are 2 NHRP Peers. The first one with the NBMA Address of and the “Attribute” (Attrb) of Static (S) so we can deduce it is the Hub device.
Therefore the second one must be the remaining Spoke device with the attribute of Dynamic (D).

–> S – Static, D – Dynamic, I – Incomplete
N – NATed, L – Local, X – No Socket
# Ent –> Number of NHRP entries with same NBMA peer
NHS Status: E –> Expecting Replies, R –> Responding, W –> Waiting
UpDn Time –> Up or Down Time for a Tunnel
Interface: Tunnel1, IPv4 NHRP Details
Type:Spoke, NHRP Peers:2,
# Ent Peer NBMA Addr Peer Tunnel Add State UpDn Tm Attrb
—– ————— ————— —– ——– —–
1 UP 00:03:40 S
1 UP 00:03:20 D