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[2023年07月08日] 365日無料更新C_TAW12_750知能問題集をゲット

ベスト品質のSAP C_TAW12_750試験問題

SAP C_TAW12_750試験は、SAP NetWeaver 7.50でのABAP開発の知識とスキルを証明したい個人を対象としています。この認定試験は、最低1年のABAP開発経験がある開発者が、自分のスキルと知識を検証したい場合に最適です。試験は80問の複数選択問題から構成され、180分以内に完了する必要があります。

SAP C_TAW12_750は、SAP Certified Development Associateのための試験です。この試験は、SAP NetWeaver 7.50でのABAPに焦点を当てています。ABAPプログラミング言語に関連するさまざまな領域、包括的な開発ツール、データ辞書オブジェクト、モジュール化技術、Open SQLなどの候補者の熟練度をテストするために設計されています。この試験は、個人がSAP NetWeaver環境内でABAPアプリケーションを開発する能力を評価するために設計されています。

SAP C-TAW12-750試験は簡単ではなく、候補者は、データ型、制御構造、モジュール化技術などのABAPプログラミングの概念を確実に理解している必要があります。さらに、候補者は、データベーステーブルの作成と変更、ユーザーインターフェイスの設計、ABAPオブジェクトを使用したプログラミングなど、SAP NetWeaver 7.50を使用したABAPプログラムの開発の経験が必要です。


質問 12
What are the main points of SAP HANA High Availability Per Datacenter that are available even in the event of a disaster?
There are 2 correct answers to this question


質問 13
What are the differences between displaying in a full screen and in a container? Select all that apply. (S. 503)
{2 Richtig}


質問 14
Where can you define global data types that are visible system-wide?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.


質問 15
You cannot use the LIKE statement to define an attribute in a class.


質問 16
Which statement cannot use a subquery.


質問 17
Where should the labels for fields be stored?
Please choose the correct answer.


質問 18
Which type of view uses an inner join in a search help?


質問 19
Which of the following are true statements?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.


質問 20
Each ABAP program starts with an introductory statement. Which statements are correct? Select all that apply.


質問 21
You can call a module for the FIELD statement to validate user entry on the input field. You can validate the entry on the input field and send an error or a warning message from an ABAP dialog module.


質問 22
Which of the following customer modifications options are available in the table maintenance generator?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.


質問 23
Private components of the class cannot be addressed directly from outside the class except when the friendship concept applies


質問 24
Which statement ends a screen sequence and starts from initial screen?
Please choose the correct answer.


質問 25
What features are provided by the database interface?
There are 3 correct answers to this question.


質問 26
Which types of programs or parts of programs can be tested directly from the ABAP Workbench or ABAP Editor?
There are 4 correct answers to this question.


質問 27
In which circumstances is a table considered to be a text table? Select all that apply


質問 28
You have written a program to output data using the ALV grid control. Which sequence of steps should be executed at runtime? Please choose the correct answer.


質問 29
Which of the following are incorrect statements?
There are 2 correct answers to this question.


質問 30
It is possible to use both buffering and secondary indexes to improve performance of a search help.


質問 31
ABAP is a programming language that…
There are 4 correct answers to this question.


質問 32
The FIELD statement does not have any effect in the PBO event block, and it should not be used in the PBO event block.


質問 33
The software component for a customer package can be…


質問 34
What do global types and local types have in common?
Please choose the correct answer.


質問 35
What must you do create a singleton class?
Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.


質問 36
You can define search helps and parameter IDs for a data element.

