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質問29、 You receive an E-mail from some unknown person claiming to be representative of your bank and asking for your account number and password so that they can fix your account. Such an attempt of social engineering is called


質問30、 In acceptable use of Information Assets, which is the best practice?


質問31、 Who are allowed to access highly confidential files?


質問32、 A well-executed risk analysis provides a great deal of useful information. A risk analysis has four main objectives.
What is not one of the four main objectives of a risk analysis?


質問33、 A scenario wherein the city or location where the building(s) reside is / are not accessible.


質問34、 A hacker gains access to a web server and reads the credit card numbers stored on that server. Which security principle is violated?


質問35、 In order to take out a fire insurance policy, an administration office must determine the value of the data that it manages.
Which factor is [b]not[/b] important for determining the value of data for an organization?


質問36、 Stages of Information


質問37、 Changes to the information processing facilities shall be done in controlled manner.


質問38、 Which department maintain’s contacts with law enforcement authorities, regulatory bodies, information service providers and telecommunications service providers depending on the service required.


質問39、 Below is Purpose of “Integrity”, which is one of the Basic Components of Information Security


質問40、 What type of system ensures a coherent Information Security organisation?


質問41、 In what part of the process to grant access to a system does the user present a token?


質問42、 CEO sends a mail giving his views on the status of the company and the company’s future strategy and the CEO’s vision and the employee’s part in it. The mail should be classified as


質問43、 CMM stands for?


質問44、 An employee caught temporarily storing an MP3 file in his workstation will not receive an IR.


質問45、 Often, people do not pick up their prints from a shared printer. How can this affect the confidentiality of information?


質問46、 What controls can you do to protect sensitive data in your computer when you go out for lunch?


質問47、 An employee caught with offense of abusing the internet, such as P2P file sharing or video/audio streaming, will not receive a warning for committing such act but will directly receive an IR.


質問48、 What is we do in ACT – From PDCA cycle


質問49、 A planning process that introduced the concept of planning as a cycle that forms the basis for continuous improvement is called:


質問50、 Four types of Data Classification (Choose two)

